Gallery of New Homes for sale by Torel Building
26 El Camino Tesoros
(4,200sf.) 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, office, 2 car garage. Game room and home theater. 3.3 million
25 El Camino Tesoros
(4300 s.f.) 4 Bedrooms/ 4 Baths, Office, Gym, 3 Car Garage, Gated – 3.4 million
165 Golden Eagle 6.5 Acres
Borders forest service amazing views…The Golden Eagle land is now 3 parcels totaling 6.5 acres.
Each parcel can be split down by 3 as well with city approval. Price is 5.1 million. Short term rentals are legal on these parcels.
The potential for a small development is feasible, this property is listed on the MLS.
60 Calle Bonita (SOLD)
(4350 s.f.) 5 Bedrooms/ 4 Baths
202 Calle Diamante (SOLD)
(4600 s.f.) 4 Bedrooms/4 Baths, Theater Room, Game Room